Dealer Info Interested in becoming a vendor at one of our shows? Please read the information below. DEALER FAQ HOW DO I BECOME A VENDOR? Our shows are open to all types of sellers – stores, individual collectors, people selling off an inherited collection, you name it. We try to make every show accessible for music fans, but these are also curated shows. Quality merchandise is essential. Our shows do sell out of vendor spaces, so please plan to book tables well in advance by contacting us by email at Some shows require filling out a registration form. See individual show pages for specific details on load-in, table sizes, and more. CAN I GET ON THE WAITLIST? If the show you were hoping to attend does sell out, don’t get discouraged. We offer a waitlist in case a dealer can’t make it for any reason. This does happen. We encourage all interested vendors to opt in for the waitlist when registering. Should table space become available, we will notify you in the order requests were received. CAN I SHARE A TABLE WITH SOMEONE ELSE? Yes, you can. If you want to buy a table to split between you and another dealer, let us know so we can pair you together. There also needs to be a single person whose name the shared table(s) are in and whom we can rely on for payment. ALL vendors need to be approved by FTR Vinyl. PLEASE DO NOT SUBLET TABLE SPACE. We have many dealers interested in our shows. If you can’t use all the space you booked, let us know so we can offer that space to another dealer. WHAT KIND OF ITEMS DO WELL AT THE SHOW? All shows are slightly different, but pre-loved vinyl remains the biggest draw. Still, anything related to music is always welcome. Vendors selling CDs, cassettes, posters, memorabilia, T-shirts, vintage stereo gear, and more are welcome. Items must be music-related. The key is to price your merchandise competitively. Customers come to spend money on music. Some are looking for deals; others are looking for grails. We want a mix of both and everything in between. DEALER POLICIES POLICIES & RULES FOR VENDORS / DEALERS – PLEASE READ! Every dealer and vendor who attends a For The Record (FTR) Vinyl Record Show agrees to and is bound by the following guidelines: Table locations The key to any location request, established or new, is in booking early. The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be to fit you into a specific location, but we are happy to oblige whenever possible. Priority is given to regulars who are booked throughout the year. If you are a new dealer, please be general in any location requests – “in the middle, toward the front, on a wall” etc. While we do our best to accommodate requests, no location is guaranteed. If you are unhappy with a location, ask about the possibility of trying another spot next show. Complaints about table location to customers and fellow dealers is bad form. Just don’t do it, please. Theft FTR Vinyl is not responsible for any stolen items. We have been pretty lucky in this department, but you can find thieves at any record show, large or small. The best defense is paying attention to your table, and looking out for your fellow dealers when they need to step away. Remember, some customers may be new to the record show setup and don’t realize you pay as you go. Make sure you know the facts. If you do observe anyone with sticky fingers, talk to me or venue staff right away. Cancellations Empty tables reflect poorly on shows and can be frustrating for fellow dealers on the waitlist. Life happens. We get that. Medical issues, family responsibilities, and work schedules can change quickly. If something happens that makes your attendance at the show impossible, let us know as soon as you can. If we can resell your table, you won’t be penalized. If we cannot resell your table, then we may charge a per table cancellation fee. Every dealer gets one free pass, no questions asked. Dealers who are a no-show and have not contacted us, will be asked to pay full table price. If a dealer is a no-show more than once, then their status to participate in future shows will be reviewed. We never want it to get to this point, but we must be fair to all. Dealer Responsibility Dealers are responsible for all products sold at their tables. Sometimes a record will skip, and we don’t catch it, or a tape doesn’t work, etc. Any customer who requests a refund under reasonable circumstances should be accommodated. You can offer a refund, a credit, an exchange, etc. If you question the item or think a customer is being unreasonable, please bring them to me. If their complaint has merit, we will see if we can work out a compromise. Nothing does more damage to a show than a customer who feels he/she was treated unfairly. We want customers to have a good experience and come back. Making it right just brings good will to the show. Dealer etiquette We want everyone to have a good time. Being kind and courteous to customers, fellow dealers, venue staff and organizers is expected and required. Most dealers know the unwritten rules in the community, but here are a few specific items worth noting. Bring enough change. Sometimes, customers will give you nothing but $20s. We get it. Asking for change for $20 or some $1s is part of being in the business. That’s fine. Forgetting to go to the bank and expecting neighbors or show organizers to provide $100 worth of change, however, is a no-no. Just don’t do it. Do not criticize another dealer’s inventory or prices within earshot of customers (unless it is clearly in good fun and they are in on the joke). Do not poach a customer shopping at someone else’s table. If you overhear them ask a dealer about an album or an artist that you happen to have, wait until they are done doing business before letting the customer know that you might have what they are looking for. Don’t overflow your space. A little overflow is fine if it doesn’t hinder your neighbors, but don’t try to cram three tables worth of stuff on and around one table. This can create a tripping hazard for customers and can be unfair to fellow dealers who are paying for the space. Treat customers with respect. Do not make fun of customers who like bad music. We need to sell that, too! Some customers can be chatty, humor them as much as possible. If a customer is rude, let me know, and I will deal with it. If you can help a customer by handing them a card to the next show or send them to a dealer you know will have the album they are looking for, please do so. This helps everyone in the end. Help your fellow dealers when you can – give them change for $20, lend them your cart, watch their table while they go to the restroom, etc. We are a community that looks out for each other. If that’s not your style, these are not the shows for you. Follow guidelines set forth by organizers. Most are listed here or should be common sense. Some guidelines may be updated and sent in an email or, as circumstances warrant, in person during an event. Please respect and follow that decision. Distributing flyers Any flyers or materials distributed to dealers or customers at the show should be approved by FTR Vinyl. We're fine with handing out business cards, helping promote other record shows and stores, and various other things. We want our dealers to benefit from interacting with customers and have a table set up for that very thing. All materials just need to be approved. This only needs to happen once. If you run other shows and we have given permission previously, you are good to do so at will. If you are putting flyers or cards out for the first time, please ask first. Leaving early We prefer dealers try to stay until the end. Unless you have an emergency or a very good reason that you have notified us about, we expect dealers to stay at least until the beginning of the last scheduled hour of the show. Empty tables are bad for business. It’s also bad form to have dealers loading out while customers are still coming in. If you need or want to leave early, please come and see us first. If customers are scarce late in the day, we are OK with an early exit if you communicate with us first. We know many of you have long drives home. Three strikes We know that everyone can have a bad day, but don’t let a bad day turn into bad judgment. On the (hopefully rare) chance that it does, there is a three-strike policy in place. If you make a bad judgment call, depending on the severity and guidelines above, you will receive a written warning and/or a first strike. If you have one strike and there is no further issue after a year, the slate is clean. A second violation, however, will receive another strike. A third, and you will not be returning to our shows – ever. No one wants it to get to that point, so don’t let it. We value our dealers and want a pleasant environment for all. Respect each other, our customers, venue staff, and organizers. Have fun. Make money. Talk music. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please direct them to Jeremy Bonfiglio at or text at 574-261-3650.